Airports are places where travelers spend most of their journey and sometimes wait for hours. Although some passengers do not like airports very much because they sometimes wait for hours during boarding and check-in, some passengers enjoy spending time at the airport where they arrive hours before their trip. But there are so many interesting airports in the world that they can amaze all kinds of passengers with their creative design and comfortable areas. Here are the 5 coolest airports in the world:
1)Singapore Changi Airport (Singapore)
Winner of the World's Best Airport Award seven times, Singapore Changi Airport is the first of the airports that will provide an interesting travel experience for passengers thanks to its magnificent design. The airport, which includes art centers, sculptures, a butterfly park, a cactus garden and cinemas, also has the world's longest indoor waterfall. We strongly recommend you to see this transportation hub, which is home to many luxury restaurants and shops.
2)Vancouver International Airport (Canada)
Vancouver International Airport which is Canada's second largest airport, is spread over a very large area and offers interesting experiences to passengers. There are two huge marine exhibits, home to an array of sea creatures endemic to British Columbia, such as sea urchins and orange coral. The airport also functions as a gallery displaying the work of some of the country's lauded artists.
3) Dubai International Airport (United Arab Emirates)
Located in Dubai, the most populous city of the United Arab Emirates, Dubai International Airport is the world's third largest and busiest airport for international passengers. There are many shops, the indoor 'Zen' gardens and a health club where you can pay to use the pool, sauna and gym in the airport. In addition, there is a 5-star hotel where passengers with flights can stay at the airport. Travelers can use the hotel with a choice of rooms and suites for early morning wake-up calls and long stays.
4) Incheon International Airport (South Korea)
South Korea's largest airport, Incheon International Airport, is built on a sea-filled islet and is one of the busiest airports in East Asia. One of the coolest features of the airport is its all-season ice skating rink. The rink is in the basement of this airport in South Korea, open from 10 am to 8 pm.
5) Munich International Airport (Germany)
Considered as one of the busiest connection centers in Europe with 48 million passengers, Munich International Airport has the world's only airport brewery. The menu includes beers served in Europe's largest indoor beer garden, and even a sustainable beer is available for those who are environmentally conscious. At the same time, the Airport hosts its own Christmas market from mid-November to December.
As you can see, while traveling to many parts of the world, airports can be a part of your trip with their unique features. In this way, every part of the trip will be remembered.